Recognize pet home disinfection company
The following cleaning and insecticidal companies recognize the provision of safe pet home disinfection services. The recognized companies use GCC professional cleaning and disinfection agents (pet home furnishings) and provide safe pet home disinfection services. Customers can contact the following companies to inquire.
Disclaimer: The company did not participate in the following company's quotation and any related charges
Authorized number, company name and contact method:
GCPS0001 -Empires Property (Holdings) Limited
Tel/WhatsApp: 9617 3688
GCPS0002 -Xueran insect pest management Co., Ltd.
Tel/WhatsApp: 9318 6708
GCPS0003 -Liejie Environmental Calling Cleaning Company
Tel/WhatsApp: 9232 8014
GCPS0004 -Kege Clean and Disinfection
Tel/WhatsApp: 6626 3900
GCPS0005 -Jack Lee
Tel/WhatsApp: 5444 3337